Vacation Watch
Planning to be away from your residence for a week or more?
Sign up for the Posse’s Vacation Watch program with the form below and we will check the exterior of your home the day after you leave and approximately every 2 weeks thereafter. If we see a problem, we’ll notify the person you’ve designated as the local key holder.
You must cancel your Vacation Watch after you have returned to Sun City. The return date on the initial request is an estimate only and we will continue conducting inspections until you cancel your request.
If you return for more than two weeks, you will need to initiate a NEW Vacation Watch request.
How to Sign Up
Complete the Vacation Watch Form to send electronically (click on the Green Button above) OR, complete a Vacation Watch Card “Blue Card” which can be acquired in any of the following ways:
– Posse Headquarters 10861 W. Sunland Drive
– Posse Satellite Office at Grand Center 10415 W. Grand
– Any Sun City Recreation Center
– Sun City Visitor Center (located at Bell Recreation Center) or
– Call 623-972-2555 Ext. 131 to have a card mailed to you.
Your completed Blue Card can be returned by US Mail or dropped off at either Posse location. Vacation Watch requests cannot be accepted over the telephone. A separate request must be submitted for each vacation.
Cards should be received by the Posse at least seven days before you leave!
You must be a Sun City Resident
You must be gone at least a week
Your residence must not be listed ‘For Sale’
There is no charge for the Vacation Watch program although donations are accepted and appreciated.
Tips for when you leave:
• Stop all home deliveries: mail, newspapers, prescriptions, etc., or arrange for daily pickup.
• Arrange for someone to collect handbills and other items that may be left.
• Disconnect unused electrical appliances, including electric water heater.
• Lock windows, patio doors, and all other exterior locks and doors.
• Notify the key holder when you are leaving and returning.
• Make sure your irrigation system is working properly.